Schematic Diagram Template
URL http://<schematicdiagramtemplates-url>/<tempId>
Supported Operations Delete Diagram   Generate Diagram   Load Diagram   Lock Diagram   Query Associated Objects   Query Associated Schematic Features   Save Diagram   Unlock Diagram   Update Diagram
Parent Resource Schematic Diagram Templates
Child Resources Schematic Algorithms


The Schematic Diagram Template resource represents a single schematic diagram template under a schematic service. It is returned by the REST API with the following information:

Note: The canGenerate property is always False when builderType=Network Dataset Builder.
When builderType=Standard Builder, the canGenerate property is True for a schematic diagram template that is referenced in a published schematic layer which datatype is Schematic Diagram Template Layer.
When builderType=Standard Builder and all the diagrams based on the diagram template have been authorized as single schematic diagrams in the Schematics service (that is, a single schematic diagram per schematic layer), the canGenerate property is False for that diagram template.

The Schematic Diagam Template resource supports 9 operations:

Resource Hierarchy

Layer Name Here


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: The schematic diagram template which id is '2' under the S1_Schematics public sample Schematics service which references four diagram templates

Example 2: The schematic diagram template which id is '0' under the SchematicsSample2_InternalPlants public sample Schematics service which references an only diagram template

JSON Response Syntax


"name" : "<schTemplateName>",
"id" : <schTemplateId>,
"objectID" : <schTemplateObjectID>,
"canGenerate" : <true | false>,
"builderType" : "Standard Builder" | "Network Dataset Builder" | "XML Builder",
"algorithms" : [

JSON Response Example


"name" : "OSP",
"id" : 1,
"objectID" : 2896,
"canGenerate" : true,
"builderType" : "Standard Builder",
//The list of the schematic layout algorithms available for this diagram template
"algorithms" : [
"id" : 0,
"name" : "Bypass Nodes"
"id" : 2,
"name" : "Geo - Angle Directed",
"parameters" : [
"name" : "NumberOfIterations",
"type" : "Long",
"value" : 1
"name" : "NumberOfDirections",
"type" : "Long",
"value" : 8
"id" : 3,
"name" : "Geo - Compression",
"parameters" : [
"name" : "Containers",
"type" : "Boolean",
"value" : true
"name" : "KeepInsideVertices",
"type" : "Boolean",
"value" : true
"name" : "KeepOutsideVertices",
"type" : "Boolean",
"value" : false
"name" : "MaximumDistanceForGrouping",
"type" : "Double",
"value" : 0
"id" : 4,
"name" : "Geo - Force Directed",
"parameters" : [
"name" : "NumberOfIterations",
"type" : "Long",
"value" : 20
"name" : "RepelFactor",
"type" : "Double",
"value" : 1
"name" : "DegreeOfFreedom",
"type" : "Long",
"value" : 1